A simple pastebin powered by Rocket.

      Simple API. CLI. Web form. Renders Markdown. Highlights code.

      Web Form: https://paste.rs/web


      POST https://paste.rs/

          Send the raw data along. Will respond with a link to the paste.

          If the response code is 201 (CREATED), then the entire paste was
          uploaded. If the response is 206 (PARTIAL), then the paste exceeded
          the server's maximum upload size, and only part of the paste was
          uploaded. If the response code is anything else, an error has
          occurred. Pasting is heavily rate limited.

      GET https://paste.rs/<id>

          Retrieve the paste with the given id as plain-text.

      GET https://paste.rs/<id>.<ext>

          Retrieve the paste with the given id.

          If ext is "md", "mdown", or "markdown", the paste is rendered as
          markdown into HTML. If ext is a known code file extension, the paste
          is syntax highlighted and returned as HTML. If ext is a known format
          extension, the paste is returned with the format's corresponding
          Content-Type. Otherwise, the paste is returned as unmodified text.

      DELETE https://paste.rs/<id>

          Delete the paste with the given id.


      Paste a file named 'file.txt' using cURL:

          curl --data-binary @file.txt https://paste.rs/

      Paste from stdin using cURL:

          echo "Hello, world." | curl --data-binary @- https://paste.rs/

      Delete an existing paste with id <id> using cURL:

          curl -X DELETE https://paste.rs/<id>

      A shell function that can be added to `.bashrc` or `.bash_profle` for
      quick pasting from the command line. The command takes a filename or reads
      from stdin if none was supplied and outputs the URL of the paste to
      stdout: `paste file.txt` or `echo "hi" | paste`.

          function paste() {
              local file=${1:-/dev/stdin}
              curl --data-binary @${file} https://paste.rs