# This function works but theres an issue that occurs and im not sure what it is # Decrypt an AES256-encrypted sequence of bytes proc decryptAES256(encText: seq[byte], key: seq[byte]): string = var iv = encText[0 ..< aes256.sizeBlock] var cipherText = encText[aes256.sizeBlock ..< encText.high + 1] var decText = newSeq[byte](cipherText.len) var ctx: GCM[aes256] ctx.init(key, iv, newSeq[byte](0)) ctx.decrypt(cipherText, decText) return seqToString(decText) # The text decrypts with extra characters and im not entirely sure why or what # these even arehttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/11523 # 84968002113606/IMG_4943.png