:UTF-8 stream decoding error on #: the octet sequence #(174) cannot be decoded. [Condition of type SB-INT:STREAM-DECODING-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ATTEMPT-RESYNC] Attempt to resync the stream at a character boundary and continue. 1: [FORCE-END-OF-FILE] Force an end of file. 2: [USE-VALUE] Use datum as replacement input and continue. 3: [INPUT-REPLACEMENT] Use string as replacement input, attempt to resync at a character boundary and continue. 4: [RETRY] Retry SLY mREPL evaluation request. 5: [*ABORT] Return to SLY's top level. --more-- Backtrace: 0: (SB-IMPL::STREAM-DECODING-ERROR-AND-HANDLE # 1 1) 1: (SB-IMPL::FD-STREAM-READ-N-CHARACTERS/UTF-8 # " FFTMf .. 2: (SB-INT:FAST-READ-CHAR-REFILL # NIL) 3: (SB-IMPL::ANSI-STREAM-READ-STRING-FROM-FRC-BUFFER " FFTMf .. 4: (SB-IMPL:ANSI-STREAM-READ-SEQUENCE " FFTMf .. 5: (ALEXANDRIA:READ-STREAM-CONTENT-INTO-STRING # :BUFFER-SIZE 4096) 6: (ALEXANDRIA:READ-FILE-INTO-STRING "/home/jmercouris/Source/Lisp/cl-electron/examples/mono.ttf" :BUFFER-SIZE 4096 :EXTERNAL-FORMAT NIL) 7: (SB-INT:SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV (ALEXANDRIA:READ-FILE-INTO-STRING "/home/jmercouris/Source/Lisp/cl-electron/examples/mono.ttf") #) 8: (EVAL (ALEXANDRIA:READ-FILE-INTO-STRING "/home/jmercouris/Source/Lisp/cl-electron/examples/mono.ttf")) 9: ((LAMBDA NIL :IN SLYNK-MREPL::MREPL-EVAL-1)) --more--